5 Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Practice Sessions

1. Have a short-term and long-term vision of where you want to be musically.

Where do you want to be in three months? 

Six months? 

One year? 

Five years?

Keep this vision close in your mind, and think about it before and after each practice session. What steps do you need to take to move toward that vision?


2. Set one or two goals that can be easily accomplished in each practice session.



It can be as simple as playing measure thirteen ten times in a row, or cleaning up a small section of music. When you go into your practice sessions with a specific goal, accomplishing that goal will leave you feeling good when you finish your practice.


3. Keep a practice log, and use a timer!


Set a timer for 5-10 minutes when you start practicing. Once the timer goes off, write down what you practiced in a dedicated practice notebook. This will make you feel more accomplished, and when you come back the next day, you can reference the practice log to see what you did the day before. 


4. Have a consistent warm-up routine and do it every day.


It is very important to warm up at the beginning of your practice routine, no matter what instrument you play. Warming up is like stretching your muscles before a workout. Can you imagine sprinting 200 meters at full speed without stretching your legs first? You would probably pull a hamstring! A proper warmup prevents injury, and makes your routine much less strenuous. 


5. Be patient with yourself. 

Progress will be made, but it is often imperceptible in the moment. Do you notice yourself growing taller? Do you witness your hair growing? Sometimes, you will feel like you’re doing the same thing every day and aren’t getting any better. You may feel that way for weeks! Then one day, you’ll suddenly notice something that used to be very difficult is much easier. You may notice you don’t get tired as quickly as you used to. You’ll notice a subtle improvement in your sound, or the way you hold your instrument, or the way it feels to play. It won’t happen overnight, but with weeks, months, and years of practice, you will notice yourself steadily getting better and better.



Music is a lifelong pursuit! Remember to have fun, and never give up. 

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