Positive Affirmations for Teachers 




To all you teachers out there - thank you for doing what you do. For those of you who experience moments of self-doubt, these affirmations are for you. I hope they help.


I am proud of the work I do.

I love my job.

My hard work will pay off.

The work I do is making the world a better place, one day at a time.

Each day is a blessing, and I am grateful to be alive.

I overcome all obstacles in my path with tenacity and grace.

I can do anything I set my mind to.

I am passionate about what I do.

I love teaching.

I am an effective teacher.

I am becoming a better teacher every day.

I am peaceful.

I greet each day with ease.

I believe in myself and my abilities.

I am full of good ideas, and trust myself to follow my intuition.

I am full of creative ideas for learning.

I am calm and in control at all times.

I am flexible and capable; I can handle what the day throws at me.

I have well structures classroom routines that help my lessons run smoothly.

I know I can handle this.

My students trust me.

I am consistent.

I enjoy my classes.

Today, I'll make one child smile.

I am proud to be a teacher.

I believe in myself.

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