I AM HAPPY - Positive Affirmations Week 7 

This week’s focus is on happiness. Now, more than ever, creating happiness for ourselves is essential to our mental and emotional well-being.

We are constantly bombarded with reasons to be afraid, to feel sad, or to feel hopeless. Looking around, unhappiness seems to be the default state of being for many people. Being unhappy and unsatisfied seems to be accepted as some kind of normal.

It is easy to believe that happiness is something that we can seek out - that it is something out there, and we have to go get it. I invite you to reframe your perspective, and instead ask yourself this:

How can I CREATE happiness for myself from within?

Within us all lies the potential for bliss and peace. I would argue that happiness is our default state of being - and I don’t think I would be alone. Happiness is not something that comes from buying products or watching TV.

Happiness rises from within us.

All we have to do is invite it into our lives through thought and action.

These affirmations are designed to help us invite happiness into our minds. We are what we think we are.

If you are feeling particularly sad, try this: SMILE! Smile as big as you can and hold it for at least three minutes. Studies have shown that the physical act of smiling can instantly lift our moods. Try it - what do you have to lose? 

How to get the most out of these affirmations: 

Print the affirmations and tape them in a place (or several places) that you frequent every day. Your bathroom mirror, the front door, the fridge, and the sun visor in your car are a few good places. Listen to the accompanying track every day and repeat the words back to yourself. If you are able, listen to the track as you fall asleep. Your mind will continue to process the words. 

Belief is the foundation. 

These words are meant to become woven into the fabric of who you are. Perhaps even more importantly, these words are meant to transform the way you see yourself. 
Say these words as if they were fact. Do not leave room for doubt and worry to fester in the background. Reassure yourself that these statements describe you as you truly are.


I am a portrait of positivity 
I am always finding reasons to smile 
I am aware that happiness is a choice. Today, I choose to be happy. 
I am happy just for the sake of being happy. I don’t need a reason. 

My happiness gives others cause to be happy, too. 
I am a light that makes the world a brighter place. 
Happiness is my default state of being. 
I make decisions that lead to my ultimate happiness. 

I strive to make the world a better place. 
Happiness is a state of mind. 
When I express gratitude, negativity melts away. 

I smile for no reason. 

I find reasons to laugh, even during moments of sadness and despair. 
I am a positive person. 
I find inspiration in everyday experiences. 
My happiness brings happiness to others. 

I am aware that happiness is a choice. Today, I choose to be happy. 
I am happy just for the sake of being happy. 
My happiness brings happiness to others. 

I am always finding reasons to smile. 

I accept responsibility for creating my own happiness, rather than waiting for happiness to come to me. 

I am happy now. 
Every day is a cause for celebration.

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