I AM DEDICATED AND PERSISTENT - Positive Affirmations Week 3 

Welcome to Week 3 of the Be See Music Positive Affirmation series. This week's focus is on dedication and persistence.

When you set your eyes on a vision, you will undoubtedly be met with roadblocks and set backs along the way. It can be easy to feel discouraged, and the desire to give up can sometimes be overpowering. Don't give up! You are capable of overcoming every obstacle in your path. Your vision will become a reality.

These affirmations are designed to bolster your confidence and encourage you to continue, even if you feel the desire to give up. You can do anything you set your mind to! I believe in you, and I hope you believe in you too.

Here is how to get the most out of these affirmations: 

Print the affirmations (here) and tape them in a place (or several places) that you frequent every day. Your bathroom mirror, the front door, the fridge, and the sun visor in your car are a few good places. Listen to the accompanying track every day and repeat the words back to yourself. If you are able, listen to the track as you fall asleep. Your mind will continue to process the words. 

Belief is the foundation. 

These words are meant to become woven into the fabric of who you are. Perhaps even more importantly, these words are meant to transform the way you see yourself. 

Say these words as if they were fact. Do not leave room for doubt and worry to fester in the background. Reassure yourself that these statements describe you as you truly are.

I am persistent 
I never give up 
I never quit 
I am relentless 

I find the motivation within myself to keep pushing forward 
When I fall down, I get right back up 
I recognize that it is okay to feel discouraged 
I don’t let that feeling stop me from going after my dreams. 

My dreams will become a reality. 

I never give up. 
I am relentless. 
I never quit. 
I am persistent. 

It is okay to fail. Failure is a natural part of life. 
Every time I fail, I learn. 
I use that knowledge to get better, and try again. 

I am dedicated to my cause. 
I am loyal. 
When I make a promise to myself or someone else, I keep that promise. 
When I say I’m going to do something, I do it. 

I am passionate about what I do, and I always do my best. 
I work tirelessly to overcome the obstacles in my path. 

I never give up. 
I never quit. 
I am persistent. 
I am relentless. 

I never give up. 
I never quit. 
I am relentless. 
I am persistent.

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